Minutes May 2023





Present                                          Councillor T. Knowles (TK) (in the chair)


Councillors: Mrs. E. Billings (EB), M. Bruce (MB), C. Fairburn (CF), Mrs. L. Knowles (LK), M. Starsmore (MS), and Mrs. N. Turney (NT), T. Vamplew (TV)


Councillors not present: None.

The Clerk, Mrs. L.M. Phillips was also present.  No members of the public spoke in the public forum.

  1. Election of Chairman
    It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED by vote of the Council that Cllr. TK be elected Chairman of Grimoldby and Manby Parish Council to hold office until the Annual Meeting of the Council in 2023.
  2. Declaration of Acceptance of Office
    Cllr. TK read out the official Declaration of Acceptance of Office and it was RESOLVED that he should sign this at the earliest opportunity, witnessed by the Clerk and took the Chair.
  3. Election of Vice Chairman
    It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that Cllr. CF be elected Vice Chairman of Grimoldby and Manby Parish Council, to hold office until the Annual Meeting of the Council in 2023. 
  4. Apologies for Absence
    There were no apologies for absence.
  5. Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
    Cllr. Mrs. EB declared an interest in planning application 5/22.
  6. Committees and Working Groups of the Council
    It was RESOLVED that the following committees should be re-established as committees of Grimoldby and Manby Parish Council and that their terms of reference and delegated authority should be confirmed as per the Council’s governing documents:
    1. Planning Working Group Committee
      Membership: All Councillors
    2. Finance Committee 
      Membership: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Mrs. EB, Mrs. NT, MB 
  7. Roles of the Council
    The Council confirmed that its Young People’s Advocate was Cllr. TK and its Green Champion should be Cllr. MB.
  8. Representation on External Bodies 
    It was RESOLVED that Cllr. TV should represent the Council on the Village Hall Committee.
  9. Council Minutes
    It was RESOLVED to approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 20th April 2022.
  10. Chairman’s Remarks 
    The Chairman reported that the gym was now back in the hands of the community for the foreseeable future.  A new lease had been signed after an amendment.  He confirmed that the Jubilee mugs had been ordered and a £1,000 grant was to be received from his ELDC Cllr’s Grant Fund and £1,000 was to be received as a grant from another pot ELDC were offering.  
  11. Governance
    The Council confirmed that the following documents had been reviewed and adopted:
    1. Council to confirm that Standing Orders were reviewed and adopted on 16th February 2022.
    2. Council to confirm that Financial Regulations were reviewed and adopted on 16th February 2022
    3. Council to confirm that the Code of Conduct was reviewed and adopted on 16th February 2022
    4. Council to confirm that policies including all those relating to GDPR have been reviewed in year.
    5. Council to confirm that it reviewed its arrangements for risk management and internal control on 16th March 2022.
  12. Clerk’s Delegated Powers
    It was RESOLVED to confirm delegated authority to the Clerk, as contained within Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.
  13. Council/Staff Membership of Other Bodies
    The Council noted that it or a member of staff was a member of the following bodies:
    1. Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC)
    2. National Association of Local Councils (NALC)
    3. The National Allotment Society
    4. Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC)
  14. Asset Register
    The Council confirmed that its Register of Assets was reviewed and adopted on 16th March 2022.
  15. Insurance
    The Council noted that in June 2022 it’s 3 year Insurance Policy would be due for renewal, that one quote had been received to date but that the renewal date fell before the next meeting.  It was RESOLVED to give delegated authority to the Clerk to choose an appropriate policy from quotes received before the deadline in conjunction with the Chairman. 
  16. Meetings of the Council
    The Council noted that it confirmed on 20th April 2022 that in 2022 it would meet every third Wednesday of each month (except for August).  However, it also noted that the Village Hall had written to request that the Council once again consider changing its meeting night or that it use the back room of the Village Hall.  The Clerk read the letter received to the Council.  It was RESOLVED that the Clerk should reply that the Council had considered the request and attempted to find an appropriate compromise but regrettably the Council were unable to change the night of its meetings.  
  17. Other Annual Council Business
    The Council RESOLVED to approve deferral of other Annual Council Business to the Council’s next meeting in June 2022.
  18. Finance
    The Council received, noted and duly RESOLVED to authorise:
    1. The Financial Report for May, showing a closing balance on 12th April 2022 of £72,042.23 which agreed to the closing balance on the bank statement issued on 14th April 2022.  (Attached).
    2. The cheques listed on the Cheque Schedule 051822 – totalling £1,725.91.  (Attached).
    3. 2021/22 Draft Accounts.  (Attached).
    4. 2021/22 Cashbook to 31st March 2022.  (Attached).
  19. Planning
    1. Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
      The Council considered the applications listed on the planning schedule and RESOLVED as follows:
      1. N/113/00757/22 – Grange Farm, Grange Lane, LN11 8HF– Support.  
      2. N/113/00812/22 – 2 Meteor Road, LN11 8UB – Support.  
    2. Planning Decisions to Note
      The Council noted the planning decisions received:
      1. N/113/00480/22 – Land at Church Lane, Manby – Refusal of Outline Planning Permission.
    3. Pipeline
      Cllr. TV gave an update on the Immingham to Theddlethorpe Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050 pipeline.  He explained that Immingham is the largest emitter in the UK.  The idea of this initiative is to capture the emissions and send them via pipe into the depleted gas reservoirs out at sea near Theddlethorpe Gas Terminal.  It is proposed that the pipe be laid 1.2m deep through the countryside as it would be far more expensive to put through the sea.  It is anticipated that work will commence in 2025 and be completed by 2027.  He reported that all those whose land was to be affected by the pipeline had received a letter and public consultations had also been held.  The deadline for queries was 11.59pm on 7th June 2022.

  20. Asset Transfer
    The Council received documentation relating to the transfer of ownership to it of the Play Park and Tennis Courts on Carlton Road and RESOLVED that in principle they were in agreement with the terms suggested, subject to the supply of full documentation and proper legal advice thereon.  
  21. Village Maintenance
    The Council received a report from the Chairman which confirmed that its current maintenance contractor was no longer able to continue.  The Council considered its options and quotes and it was RESOLVED that future maintenance work required in 2022/23 would be dealt with as and when it arose.
  22. Gatehouse
    The Council were informed by the Chairman that ELDC had agreed that if the Parish Council wished to purchase the Gatehouse (at a cost of approximately £80,000) it would accept an upfront sum of £20,000 with the remainder to be paid in equal instalments over ten years.  In principle the Council agreed that this option should be investigated.
  23. Any Other Business
    Cllr. MB informed the Council that he wished to put a piece out to the community about the green agenda and a competition.  Cllr. MS spoke about a planning issue on Middlesykes Lane whereby a layby had not been built to specified standards as conditioned in a planning permission.  Cllr. TK confirmed that he had spoken to Michelle Walker of ELDC and the Planning Inspector.  Both had said that no action could be taken until the conditions imposed were being breached, e.g., the buildings were being occupied and the layby had still not been constructed correctly.  
  24. Next Meeting
    The Council noted that the date of the next scheduled meeting was Wednesday 15th June 2022. 




The meeting closed at 8.41pm





Signed_______________________ (Chairman)         Dated_________________________