Minutes February 2024





Present                                          Councillor T. Knowles (TK) (in the chair)


Councillors:                     B. Adams (BA), M. Bruce (MB), Mrs. E. Billings (EB), C. Fairburn (CF), N. Hind (NH), L. Knowles (LK) and T. Vamplew (TV)



Councillors not present:   A. Bunting (AB), M. Starsmore (MS)

The Clerk, Mrs. L.M. Phillips was also present. 

  1. Apologies
    Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. AB and MS.
  2. Chairman’s Remarks
    The Chairman reported that 1) he had had a conversation with the son of the man who had bought Beech Grove who was working with the gentleman who had bought Tedder Hall to come up with a scheme.  However, the big stumbling block was the heritage situation.   2) 3 people had emailed him regarding the Grimsby to Walpole pylon proposals and he had replied to all saying that the Council would do what it could.
  3. Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
    There were no declarations of interest or requests for dispensations.
  4. Council Minutes
    It was RESOLVED to approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 17th January 2024.
  5. Finance
    The Council received, noted and duly RESOLVED to authorise:
    1. The Financial Report for February, showing a closing balance on 10th January 2024 of £79,867.05 which agreed to the closing balance on the bank statement issued on 12th January 2024.  
    2. Cheques for authorisation, listed on the Cheque Schedule 022124 totalling £788.21.
  6. Planning
    1. Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
      There were no planning applications to consider at the time of the meeting. 
    2. ELDC Planning Decisions to Note
      The Council noted the following planning decisions:
      1. N/113/02160/23 – Ash Grove, 13 Canberra Crescent, Manby, LN11 8TU – ELDC has granted full planning permission.
  7. Proposed Work To Trees
    The Council considered the following proposed work to trees and RESOLVED to leave a decision to the tree officer at ELDC:
    1. Location: Linden Lea, 1 Church Lane, Manby.  Proposals: T15 - Lime - (T1 on plan) 1. Remove basal and epicormic growth on the main stems to the lowest primary branches at a height of 6.1m, to a diameter not exceeding 4cm. 2. Crown thin by 25% removing branches less than 4cm.  T18 - Lime - (T2 on plan) 1. Reduce in height to leave a stem 5m tall and manage as a pollard. 2. Remove basal and epicormic growth along both stems.  T19 - Lime - (T3 on plan) 1. Remove basal and epicormic growth on the main stems to the lowest primary branches at a height of 6.3m, to a diameter not exceeding 4cm. 2. Crown thin by 25% removing branches less than 4cm.  Reasons: T15 - 1. To clear the road and the garden. 2. To increase light to the garden whilst retaining the height and shape of the tree. T18 - 1. To retain the tree whilst reducing the risk of failure. 2. To clear the driveway, garden and road.  T19 - 1. To clear the road and the garden. 2. To increase light to the garden whilst retaining the height and shape of the tree.
  8. National Grid Electricity Transmission – Grimsby to Walpole
    Following receipt of information on the above the Council received a copy of the Consultation Questionnaire and it was RESOLVED:
    1. That a corporate response would be compiled, circulated to all Councillors for comment / agreement and submitted prior to ratification at the next meeting; and
    2. That a leaflet drop to every household in Grimoldby and Manby should be undertaken, distributing a flyer outlining the above plans, where to find more information, what to do and the deadline for responses.
  9. Football Field Grass Cutting
    It was RESOLVED that Manby FC should cut the above and should invoice the Council after each cut (£20 per time).
  10. Flood Forum
    The Council noted that Victoria Atkins MP would be hosting a Flood Forum on 1st March 2024 between 1pm and 2.30pm.  Details could be found by typing the following into an internet browser: https://www.victoriaatkins.org.uk/news/flood-forum-1-march-2024 Councillors were to disseminate this information to parishioners who may wish to attend.  There would be representatives at the meeting from the Environment Agency, the Internal Drainage Board and LCC.
  11. Planning Application Consultations from LCC
    The Council noted that LCC were changing their processes in view of recent changes to the Governments Planning Guarantee and it would no longer accept a response if it were not received within the statutory consultation period.  Instead, it would assume that the Council had no response to make.  Any requests for an extension of time would be agreed in writing by the case officer.  If the case officer did not respond or agree a request in writing then it should not be assumed that the request had been granted.  It was agreed that the Clerk should respond to LCC making the Council’s displeasure at this news known.
  12. Disclaimer Signs
    Further to previous resolution, the Council noted that as per Financial Regulations the Clerk and the Chairman had agreed wording for and sought suppliers for the above. The Council RESOLVED to approve the details and purchase of 5 signs.  1 for the play park, 1 for the Tennis Courts and 3 for the Pavilion, Football Field and Allotments.
  13. Closed Session Items
    The Council RESOLVED to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the business to be discussed in the following item, information being of a confidential and sensitive nature in relation to the following:
    1. Village Maintenance
      The Council considered applications from contractors for the above work and it was RESOLVED to appoint Mr. K. Towler as its contractor for 2024/25.
    2. Amenity Grass Cutting
      The Council received quotes for the above and it was RESOLVED to appoint D. Skells as its contractor for 2024/25.


  1. Any Other Business
    Cllr. TK read out a letter from a member of the public regarding restricting weight limits in the village and the Grimsby to Walpole pylon proposals.  It was agreed that the gentleman’s proposals re. the pylons were not feasible given the timescales.  However, it was agreed that the Chairman and the Clerk should look into the weight restriction suggestion.  Cllr. Mrs. EB reported that she had received complaints about the mud on the B1200 and said that it confirmed how dangerous it might be if a Biodigester were built in the area.  It was agreed that the Chairman would speak to the Environment Officers at ELDC on the subject.
  2. Next Meeting
    The Council noted that the next scheduled meeting of Grimoldby and Manby Parish Council would take place on 20th March 2024.



The meeting closed at 8.29pm




Signed_______________________ (Chairman)         Dated_________________________