Minutes September 2023





Present                                          Councillor T. Knowles (TK) (in the chair)


Councillors: M. Bruce (MB), A. Bunting (AB), N. Hind (NH), Mrs. L. Knowles (LK),



Councillors not present: Mrs. E. Billings (EB), C. Fairburn (CF), M. Starsmore (MS), Mrs. N. Turney (NT) and T. Vamplew (TV)

The Clerk, Mrs. L.M. Phillips was also present. 

  1. Apologies
    Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. EB, CF, MS, TV and NT.
  2. Chairman’s Remarks
    The Chairman reported that he had met with the new owner of Tedder Hall the previous week and they had had very good discussions on the future of the site.  Plans were in the pipeline. 
  3. Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
    The Chairman reported that Cllr. NH had requested a dispensation to remain and vote at the meeting on 20th September 2023 during the agenda item regarding the allotments as he was an allotment holder.  The Council discussed this and in accordance with standing order 13(e) RESOLVED to grant a dispensation as without it the number of persons able to participate in the meeting would impede the transaction of business.
  4. Council Minutes
    It was RESOLVED to approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 21st June 2023.
  5. Finance
    The Council received, noted and duly RESOLVED to authorise:
    1. The Financial Report for August, showing a closing balance on 5th July 2023 of £80,296.29 which agreed to the closing balance on the bank statement issued on 14th July 2023.
    2. The Financial Report for September, showing a closing balance on 14th August 2023 of £78,215.68. Which agreed to the closing balance on the bank statement issued on 14th August 2023.
    3. Cheques for payment, listed on the Cheque Schedule 092023 totalling £1,616.38.
    4. Budget Variance Report to end July 2023.
  6. Planning
    1. Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
      The Council considered all applications including those listed in the schedule (Plans_09_20_23) and RESOLVED as follows:
      1. N/113/01458/23 – Meteor House, Manby Park – to ratify the comments of the Planning Working Group which were to have no objection to this application, in principle.  It believed that this building may be listed and as such would leave any decision to ELDC and its Conservation Officer.
      2. N/113/0147/23 – Bowen House, Manby Park – to ratify the comments of the Planning Working Group which were to have no objection to this application, in principle.  As the building is listed it would leave any decision to ELDC and its Conservation Officer.
      3. N/113/01478/23 – Bowen House, Manby Park - no objection to this application, in principle.  As the building is listed it would leave any decision to ELDC and its Conservation Officer.
      4. N/113/01779/23 – The Gatehouse, Manby Park – to support.
    2. Planning Decisions
      The Council noted the following planning decisions received from ELDC.:
      1. N/067/00967/23 – Barn Adjacent to the Elms, Middlesykes Lane, Grimoldby – Full Planning Permission
      2. N/113/01224/23 – 2 Valiant Road, Manby, LN11 8UD – Full Planning Permission

    3. Temporary Traffic Restrictions
      The Council noted the following temporary traffic restrictions:
      1. Organisation responsible for restriction: Anglian Water
        Reason for restriction: Emergency - Leaking sluice valve
        Nature and location of restriction: Emergency Road closure Order - Eastfield Lane
        Period of restriction: 18/07/2023 - 20/07/2023
      2. Organisation responsible for restriction: OCU Group
        Reason for restriction: New electrical connection
        Nature and location of restriction: Road closure Order - Mill Lane
        Period of restriction: 11/09/2023 - 14/09/2023


  1. Public Path Diversion Order Consultation – Diversion of Manby Footpath 218
    The Council note that LCC were considering a proposal to divert part of the above public right of way which ran generally southwards from Canberra Crescent, through grazing fields, to Church Lane in Manby.  It received a plan on which details of the existing pathway and proposals could be seen.  It was RESOLVED that no comments should be made. 
  2. Allotments
    The Council discussed the following:
    1. That notice to vacate had been served on plot 3 but that there were a number of, it was thought, fruit trees within its boundary.  It was RESOLVED that Cllrs. NH and MB should remove these and that the Clerk should contact the school in the first instance to ascertain whether they might want them.  Failing that the Clerk to contact Mimi’s Mission and otherwise the trees to be planted elsewhere, perhaps on the edge of the football field. 
    2. That some allotment holders had expressed an interest in exploring the possibility of the allotment holders cutting the grass within the allotment site rather than external contractor being paid to do that.  Council noted that the current contractor’s contract did not come to an end until 31st March 2024.  It was RESOLVED that in the meantime the Council should formally consult with all allotment holders to ascertain that they were all happy with that course of action and if so the Council should look to update the tenancy agreement / map ready for 2024/25.
    3. That some allotment holders had erected structures on their plots without asking for the Council’s permission, as per the tenancy agreement.  It was RESOLVED that the Council should write to each allotment holder, who had not obtained permission for their structure and invite them to write to the Council requesting such, explaining why the siting of it should remain as it was.  The Council to then consider these requests at a future meeting and if granted look to update the allotment map, ready for 2024/25.
  3. Pavilion
    Further to receipt of a draft Tenancy Agreement at a previous meeting the Council noted that Manby Football Club had also looked over the document and had agreed thereto with the following suggested amendments:
    1. That permission be included for them to hang the defibrillator on the outside of the building but that they must keep it in working order and maintain it. 
    2. Confirmation that the two rooms at the front of the building were not theirs and should not be used without prior permission.
    3. Confirmation that the Council reserved the right to use these rooms every third Wednesday evening of the month or as and when required and that the Council would rent these for use to others, as required. 

Further, it was noted:

  1. That Manby Football Club had provided a copy of their insurance policy and a copy of the draft agreement had been sent to the Council’s insurers who had commented:

“Your policy will cover members of the public, volunteers or employees that use your facilities and land, if you are found negligent.  If so, it is likely that a claim will be supported by your policy.  It will not cover the actions of a 3rd party though e.g., if during a game there is an injury caused by another player or damage to a car from a ball hitting it, this would not be covered (as you would not be negligible).  However, if the players were to trip over and you were found negligent then as stated your policy would cover you.

The agreement would have no affect on your policy at all”

  1. The Council’s solicitor had not yet provided a final agreement for signature.

It was RESOLVED that:

  1. Upon receipt of the final agreement the Clerk should endeavour to have this signed by Manby Football Club and representatives of the Council either (the Chairman, the Vice Chairman or herself) as required.
  2. The Council should purchase and erect disclaimer signage both in the car park and in the club house declaring to the effect that use was at your risk / the Council would not be held responsible for any damage or loss or similar.
  1. Pension
    The Council noted that the third anniversary of its previous re-enrolment date was approaching – 12th January 2024 and that it must make a re-declaration by 12th June 2024.  It was RESOLVED to give delegated authority to the Clerk to progress the matter, as required.
  2. Grant
    The Council considered a Grant Application from Grimoldby Cricket Club, the details of which had been circulated by email on 12th September 2023.  It was RESOLVED to approve the award of £200 to assist with reflooring the clubhouse and noted that Cllr. Knowles would make the amount up to £500 from his District Councillor funds.
  3. Budget
    Councillors noted that they should submit ideas to the Clerk, for projects that they would like to see included in the next budget, together with costings by 29th September. 
  4. Closed Session Item
    It was RESOLVED to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the business to be discussed in the following item, information being of a third party, commercial and confidential nature in relation to:
    1. Play Park
      The Council received quotes for the repainting of the Play Park and it was RESOLVED to award the work to Mo Needham, Domestic / Commercial Painter and Decorator for the sum of £2,300.  Funds to be taken either from the Play Park Earmarked Reserve or the Contingency Earmarked Reserve.

It was RESOLVED to move back into open session.


  1. Any Other Business
    Councillors discussed:
    1. The movement of the Council’s interactive speed sign and it was agreed that the Clerk would make it a future agenda item to look into obtaining quotes for this to be moved around the village, 6 times per year. 
    2. The tree near to the hairdressers and the trees in the Play Park.  It was agreed that the Clerk would make it a future agenda item to consider having a tree report done. 
  2. Next Meeting
    The Council noted that the date of the next scheduled meeting was Wednesday 18th October 2023.




The meeting closed at 8.29pm




Signed_______________________ (Chairman)         Dated_________________________