Minutes July 2023
Present Councillor T. Knowles (TK) (in the chair)
Councillors: M. Bruce (MB), A. Bunting (AB), C. Fairburn (CF), N. Hind (NH), Mrs. L. Knowles (LK), M. Starsmore (MS), T. Vamplew (TV)
Councillors not present: Mrs. E. Billings (EB) and Mrs. N. Turney (NT)
The Clerk, Mrs. L.M. Phillips and four members of the public were also present.
Members of the public spoke in the public forum about the allotments saying that greenhouses had been placed on the edge as it was the only place sheltered enough to ensure they weren’t destroyed. He understood that their presence might make it difficult for the grass to be cut around the edge of the site and he suggested that wood could be placed around the bottom to protect the structures from strimmer damage or allotment holders could mow everything and there would be no need to get external grasscutters in. The Council was asked if it knew who owned the street lighting column laid inside the allotment fencing. It did not. It was reported that kids were also smoking weed in the vicinity.
- Apologies
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. NT.
- Chairman’s Remarks
The Chairman reported that: 1) He and Cllrs. Bunting and Starsmore had visited a working bio digester. 2) He was concerned that someone was delivering flyers to residents which were sending completely the wrong message. He reiterated that while comments should be passed to Cllr. McNally they should more importantly also be logged on the LCC website or they would not count. 3) He had received a telephone call from a resident fearful of being unable to sell their house because of the bio digester. He was extremely sorry but confirmed that neither he nor the Council could stop anyone from seeking planning permission. 4) He had had a conversation with Mr. Booth of ELDC regarding their bio digester response and had been assured that he would be given the chance to see it before it was sent. 5) He confirmed that the money from the closure of the gym had not been transferred, yet, as previously report.
- Declarations of Interest / Dispensations
There were no declarations of interest/dispensation requests.
- Council Minutes
It was RESOLVED to approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 21st June 2023.
- Finance
The Council received, noted and duly RESOLVED to authorise:- The Financial Report for July, showing a closing balance on 14th June 2023 of £80,969.63 which agreed to the closing balance on the bank statement issued on 14th June 2023.
- Cheques for payment, listed on the Cheque Schedule 071923 totalling £2,809.14.
- Cashbook Statement of Receipts and Payments for Months 1 to 3.
- Planning
- Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
The Council considered the applications listed in the schedule (Plans_07_19_22) and RESOLVED as follows:- PL/0037/23 – Planning Permission – Land at Manby Airfield, Off Manby Middlegate - strongly object to this proposed development for the following reasons:
- Traffic Generation
The proposed development would involve a considerable increase in traffic through the villages.
The traffic survey submitted shows that it concentrated on access to the site via the B1200 and from the A16 and was carried out during a week in December. It therefore failed to account for the substantial increase in traffic during the summer months with holidaymakers travelling to and from coastal resorts.
The traffic survey was incomplete as it ignored the fact that vehicles will use/might have to use Tinkle Street in Grimoldby and Carlton Road in Manby to join the B1200 (Manby Middlegate) to access the site.
There are already significant traffic issues in Tinkle Street with on-road parking effectively making Tinkle Street a single lane carriageway. This existing situation is also aggravated in relation to the Village School (located at the Tinkle Street and B1200 crossroads) at school opening and closing times with pupils being dropped off in the morning and collected in the afternoon.
G&M PC believe that there is a requirement for the developers to undertake an additional full traffic survey to identify and confirm the issues arising so that Lincolnshire County Council has the full facts before a decision is made. This survey should be done at a peak time e.g., harvest time (between 25th July and 30th August), should encompass a larger area (Carlton Road and Tinkle Street) and that monitoring of traffic should be ongoing.
- Access and Highway Safety
G&M PC is concerned that the main site access/egress presents a significant danger to those exiting the site, especially trying to turn right both in terms of the speed of traffic using the B1200 in that area in general and re. visibility splay. The Council believes this will result in an increased risk to other road users and pedestrians.
- Noise and Disturbance from the Scheme
The proposed traffic movements of HGV and farm vehicles to and from the site are to be from 6.00 am to midnight Monday to Saturday inclusive. The effect of such persistent traffic would be detrimental to the village residents' amenity and peaceable enjoyment and would create an increased risk to other road users and pedestrians.
- Plant Safety
Vehicles travelling to and from the site will have visited different farms and locations and there will be a significant risk of cross-contamination and the spread of transmittable diseases not only at the site but also at the various farms and establishments the vehicles visit. Such diseases as foot and mouth, bovine TB, swine fever, bird flu etc., can have a devastating effect on farm businesses.
The Council is concerned about the potential for contamination from effluents and noxious gases e.g., Sulphur Dioxide.
More information on where and how the bio methane will be turned into fuel for vehicles, is required.
- Disturbance from Smells
By the very nature of bio-digesters, smells and odours will be produced. The position of the plant on the western edge of the villages will mean they will be directly affected by virtue of the prevailing westerly winds.
- Effect on Listed and Historic Buildings
The size and height of proposed buildings will undoubtedly be an intrusion on the landscape as compared to its current state and this industrialisation of a quiet rural area will have a detrimental effect on historic buildings in the area such as Churches and the listed RAF tower.
- Vitality and Viability of the Area / Public Visual Amenity
The Council feel that this development will inevitably spoil the character of this beautiful thriving rural area. It feels that potential new residents will be put off from moving to the village due to the industrialisation, right on the doorstep of large residential areas and it feels that this development will leave very poor amenities for future occupiers of properties on its border.
- Adequacy of Drainage / Contamination of the Water Table
The use and capture of water on site and also the inevitable water run-off can risk contamination of the water table, water sources and drainage dykes.
- Loss of Ecological Habitats
The proposed site location is home to much wildlife and flora and fauna and all should be protected where possible.
In the event of planning permission being granted the Council requests that such permission be made subject to the following conditions:
- No development to commence until a Traffic Management Plan which sets out proposals for the whole site and includes a scheme of monitoring and review has been undertaken and approved.
- No development to commence until a Construction Traffic Management Plan has been undertaken and approved. This to include details of all measures to be implemented in order to manage traffic during the construction phase (incl. routeing strategies) together with a detailed protocol for the delivery of loads/vehicles.
- No work shall commence until Transport Noise Assessment and Mitigation Scheme has been undertaken and approved.
- Full details of any external lighting to be used on site to be agreed to ensure that lights are positioned and angled to prevent any direct illumination, glare or light spillage outside the boundary.
- Traffic movements either by the applicants' own vehicles or those of third parties [including construction vehicles during the period of construction] attending the site
- restricted to the hours of 8.00 am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday with no movements at all on Bank Holidays.
- no traffic via Tinkle Street or Carlton Road during school days between 8.00am and 9.30am and between 2.30pm and 3.30pm
- all movements on public roads to take place outside peak times, including school times and to avoid local community events.
- all movements to be on agreed routes.
- all vehicles carrying manures to be fully covered and contained within such vehicles.
- all reasonable steps to be taken to ensure that no waste or other material be deposited on public roads any such deposits be expeditiously removed.
- all vehicles to be decontaminated at a wheel washing station before leaving the site in order to prevent the spread of disease and to avoid debris being deposited onto the public road.
- No development shall commence until the membership of a Local Liaison Group has been agreed. This group to promote effective communication and discuss and resolve local issues.
- S.106 monies and uses to benefit the local community to be agreed.
- Traffic Generation
- PL/0037/23 – Planning Permission – Land at Manby Airfield, Off Manby Middlegate - strongly object to this proposed development for the following reasons:
- Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
- A scheme to deal with potential contamination on site should be produced and approved. The scheme to include nature, extent and type of contamination that could arise, risk assessments, a programme of measures to deal with any contamination that might arise and assurances that monitoring will be undertaken and the results recorded.
- A full wildlife survey be undertaken to identify potential issues.
- N/113/01248/23 – Listed Building Consent – Lynx House, Manby Park, Manby – Remain neutral and leave to ELDC.
- N/113/01247/23 – Planning Permission – Lynx House, Manby Park, Manby – Remain neutral and leave to ELDC.
- N/113/01224/23 – Planning Permission – Support.
- N/067/01199/23 – Planning Permission – Remain neutral.
- Planning Decisions
There were no planning decisions to note. - Temporary Traffic Restrictions
The Council noted the following:- Organisation responsible: Anglian Water
Reason for restriction: New water connection
Nature and location of restriction: Middlesykes Lane
Period of restriction: 24/7 to 27/7
- Organisation responsible: Anglian Water
- Litter Picking Kits
The Council received correspondence from LCC on the above and RESOLVED not to take up its offer.
- Any Other Business
No other business was discussed.
- Next Meeting
The Council noted that the date of the next scheduled meeting was Wednesday 20th September 2023.
The meeting closed at 8.15pm
Signed_______________________ (Chairman) Dated_________________________