Village Maintenance Contractor Vacancy


Village Maintenance Contractor

If you are a business or self employed, you're registered with HMRC and you have your own public liability insurance.  If you are multi-skilled, enthusiastic and have the time, qualifications and equipment needed to commit to undertaking village maintenane tasks as per a schedule of works (see link below) and are interested in this position please apply to the Clerk, Mrs. Lynda Phillips on the following email address by 12 noon on 14th January 2025.  

Please note, this is an Annual Contract worth £6,240.00 in total.  You will be required to undertake work as per the maintenance schedule, to the timescales set out therein and supply details to the Clerk on a monthly basis of the work you have completed.  You will also need to invoice the Council (sent to the Clerk) on a monthly basis for the sum of £520.00 for payment.   You should note that this position equates to an average of 6 hours per week at £20 per hour but there is a difference in the total number of hours you will work on a daily/weekly/monthly basis.  You will need to manage your time appropriately.

Initially, this position runs from 1st April 2025 to 31st March 2026.

Village maintenance schedule for advertisement 25-26.xlsx