Mrs. Emma Billings - 01507 327445 - Manby Ward - Chairman of the Finance Committee 

Mr. Michael Bruce - 07772591282 - Manby Ward - Member of the Finance Committee and Green Champion

Mr. Chris Fairburn - 07816953167 - Manby Ward - Vice Chairman of the Council, member of all other Committees

Mr. Terence Knowles - 01507 601739 - Grimoldby Ward - Chairman of the Council, member of all other Committees and Young People's Advocate

Mrs. Linda Knowles - 01507 601739 - Grimoldby Ward - Chairman of the Recreation Committee

Mr. Mike Starsmore - 01507 327428 - Grimoldby Ward - Member of the Planning Committee

Mr. Terence Vamplew - 01507 327235 - Grimoldby Ward - Vice Chairman of the Planning Committee

Mr. Ant Bunting - 07515354119 - Grimoldby Ward - Chairman of the Planning Committee and member of the Recreation Committee

Mr. Noel Hind - 07723018170 - Grimoldby Ward - Member of the Recreation Committee and Planning Committee.

Mr. Richard Hampton - 07907099565 - Manby Ward