Present Councillor T. Knowles (TK) (in the chair)
Councillors: Mrs. E. Billings (EB), Mrs. D. Copeland (DC), A. Eves (AE), C. Fairburn (CF), Mrs. N. Turney (NT), T. Vamplew (TV), Mrs. L. Knowles (LK), M. Bruce (MB), M. Starsmore (MS), M. Hancock (MH)
Councillors not present: C. Martin (CM),
One member of the public was also present. No members of the public wished to speak in the public forum.
- Apologies for Absence
There were no apologies for absence.
- Chairman’s Remarks
The Chairman remarked as follows:- He had spoken to the new caretaker of the Village Hall and had enquired as to whether he would be willing to set the tables and chairs out for Council meetings for a fee of £5 per month. It was agreed that this should be placed on a future agenda.
- Kings Church had contacted him to enquire whether two Parish Councillors would be on their steering group as per ELDC’s instructions. It was agreed that Cllrs. TK and Mrs. EB should be the Council’s representatives.
- He had had a meeting with PC Precious and the new Inspector, Sarah Constantine recently and had also met with PCSO Mekkaoui.
- The double stacking of containers around the airfield had been sorted and they had gone. Proposals for a fence and planting scheme were still awaited.
- He was of the opinion that a petition might help to put pressure on the owner of the village pub and persuade him to reopen it.
- ELDC were looking at moving premises. However, he opined that to make it viable they would have to move out and sell Tedder Hall for a profit which would be unlikely.
- The Clerk had provided TK with a draft allotment tenancy agreement and this would be looked at in the near future.
- Finally, Beech Grove was a continued problem. The Chairman promised to bring an update on the situation to the next meeting.
- Declarations of Interest
No declarations of interest were made.
- Police Consultation
There were no members of the Police present and no Police report. However, Cllr. Mrs. EB reported that she had encountered some problems recently which she had reported but she had not heard back. Cllr. TK agreed to chase PC Precious on this issue.
- Council Minutes
Following a proposal by Cllr. CF, seconded by Cllr. Mrs. EB it was resolved to approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 18th July 2018.
- Clerk’s Report / Update
Nothing to report.
- Finance
- Following a proposal by Cllr. Mrs. EB, seconded by Cllr. AE it was RESOLVED to receive and duly authorise the Financial Report for August/September, showing a closing balance on 6/8/18 of £15,726.59 which agreed to the closing balance on bank statement 10.
- Following a proposal by Cllr. Mrs. NT, seconded by Cllr. Mrs. EB it was RESOLVED that the cheques for payment, listed on the Cheque Schedule 091918 totalling £946.10 be authorised and duly signed.
- Following a proposal by Cllr. Mrs. LK, seconded by Cllr. Mrs. DC it was RESOLVED to receive and authorise the Cashbook Statement of Receipts and Payments for Months 4 to 6.
- Following a proposal by Cllr. Mrs. DC, seconded by Cllr. Mrs. NT it was RESOLVED to receive and authorise the Budget Variance Report to September 2018.
- Council Vacancies
The Chairman introduced Mr. M. Hancock who wished to be considered for co-option and read out his letter of application. Following a proposal by Cllr. TK, seconded by Cllr. Mrs. NT it was RESOLVED to accept Mr. Hancock’s application. Mr. Hancock signed and stated the declaration of acceptance and was welcomed on to the Council.
- Planning
- Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
The Council considered current applications including those listed in the schedule (Plans_09_19_18) and it was RESOLVED to comment as per those comments listed on the schedule. - Planning Decisions to Note
The Council noted that the following planning decisions had been received:- N/067/01109/18 (15/18) – The Priory, Priory Lane, LN11 8SP – Extension and alterations to the existing detached garage/workshop… - Full Planning Permission – G&M PC supported on 18th July 2018.
- N/113/01203/18 (16/18) – Manby Airfield – Change of use of former RAF buildings on site to mixed used under Use Classes B8 – Full Planning Permission – G&M PC made observations.
- N/113/01296/18 (17/18) – Marsh Medical Practice – Extension and alterations to the existing surgery… - Full Planning Permission – G&M PC supported on 18/7/18.
- Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
- Standing Orders
Further to item 51 of the Minutes of 18th July 2018 the Council RESOLVED to adopt the new NALC model Standing Orders as circulated in draft by email on 6/7/18 and subsequently on 15/8/18 amended to take account of the following amendments, as agreed on 18th July 2018:- That reference be made to the details of what constitutes a quorum at parts 3q and 3w. Proposed by Cllr. AE, seconded by Cllr. TV.
- That the grants process be opened all year round. Proposed by Cllr. AE, seconded by Cllr. Mrs. DC.
- That the maximum grant award be increased to £200. Proposed by Cllr. AE, seconded by Cllr. TV.
- That references to a DPO be deleted. Proposed by Cllr. Mrs. NT, seconded by Cllr. Mrs. EB.
Council to consider adoption of new NALC model Standing Orders. (Draft amended to suit G&M PC circulated by email on 6/7/18).
Proposed by Cllr. AE and seconded by Cllr. Mrs. EB.
- Budget Setting
Councillors had no projects that they would like to be considered in the 2019/20 budget setting process.
- National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
The Council noted that further to a suggestion by Cllr. MS that two copies of the NPPF be purchased, the Clerk had contacted ELDC who would not supply the copies and instead suggested that they be printed from the .gov website or saved to individuals hard drives where they could be viewed and searched as and when required. Cllr. AE kindly offered to print two copies.
- Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)
The Council noted that the period for inspection of its financial records had ended on 10th August 2018.
- Correspondence
The Council noted that the following correspondence had been received:- From: LCC – Re: Road Closures - Notification that Eastfield Lane would be closed from 28/8/2018 to 30/8/2018 (closures implemented as and when required during this time for essential maintenance works by Anglian Water/Clancy Docwra. (Circulated 29/7/18).
- From: ELDC – Re: e-Messenger. (Circulated 8/8/18).
- From: Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue – Re: Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue Fire Safety Engagement – Request for contact details of local clubs. (Circulated 3/9/18).
- From: ELDC – Re: Town and Parish e-newsletter. (Circulated 3/9/18).
- Exchange of Information Between Councillors
Cllr. TK reported that he was looking into the traffic problem on Middlesykes Lane.
Cllr. Mrs. LK reported that she was still inspecting the playpark and tennis courts on a regular basis and all was well – Cllr. TK was to pick up the new football nets.
Cllr. Mrs. NT reported that she had witnessed two cars doing very fast circuits on Carlton Road, Manby. Cllr. TK agreed to contact the Police on this matter.
Cllr. AE commented that he had been nice to his Cllrs. TK and Mr. LK’s report in the recent edition of the village news and also the Council’s report.
Cllr. TV enquired as to whether the earlier item re. the Council’s AGAR was good. It was confirmed that it was and was merely confirming that the period for public inspection of the Council’s records had ended.
Cllr. Mrs. NT wondered if an FB page should be set up instead of a petition re. the pub. Cllr. TK encouraged her to do this (as an individual project and not as a Council project).
- Next Meeting
The Council noted that the date of the next scheduled meeting was Wednesday 17th October 2018.
The meeting closed at 8.22pm
Signed_______________________ (Chairman) Dated_________________________