Present                                            Councillor T. Knowles (TK) (in the chair)


Councillors: Mrs. E. Billings (EB), Mrs. D. Copeland (DC), C. Fairburn (CF), Mrs. L. Knowles (LK), P. Oughton (PO), M. Starsmore (MS), Mrs. N. Turney (NT), T. Vamplew (TV)



Councillors not present: M. Bruce (MB)

The Clerk, Mrs. L.M. Phillips was also present.

No members of the public spoke in the public forum:

  1. Apologies for Absence
    There were no apologies for absence.
  2. Chairman’s Remarks
    The Chairman remarked that it appeared that Covid-19 was returning with a vengeance and he urged members to be careful.  He reported that ELDC were still positive about the transfer of assets to the Parish Council such as the Playpark, Tennis Courts and perhaps others.  There was a new man in charge of this at ELDC.  He confirmed that devolution seemed to have been put on the back burner but that ELDC were still planning to move to Horncastle.  He was hopeful that there were positive moves afoot with regard to Beech Grove and he said that there was a possibility that the Community Pub would become viable again.  He also reported that uptake on the allotment was good with 5 being let presently.  The Clerk reported that she had had another enquiry and so this might increase to 6 very shortly.
  3. Declarations of Interest
    Cllr. EB – agenda item 10 – as a land owner in the vicinity. 
  4. Council Minutes
    Following a vote of the Council it was resolved to approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 16th September 2020.
  5. Finance
    Council received, noted and duly RESOLVED to authorise the following:
    1. The Financial Report for October, showing a closing balance on 11th September 2020 of £52,818.19 which agreed to the closing balance on bank statement 35.  
    2. Cheques for payment, listed on the Cheque Schedule October 2020 totalling £1,315.88.
  6. Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
    1. The Council considered current applications including those listed in the schedule (Plans_10_21_20) and resolved as follows:
      1. N/067/01517/20 – to ratify the comments of the planning working group which were to support.  They were pleased to note that the application included 10 parking spaces for 8 units but asked that at least 2 of these be designated as “disabled person’s spaces”.  They also requested that all delivery vehicles for construction be housed within the site. 
      2. N/067/01625/20 – support providing that the original barn conversion received Full Planning Permission and ELDC are happy for this further dwelling to be served by Middlesykes Lane, as there are now 5 dwellings with traffic cones etc., on their frontages to mitigate damage to verges.
      3. N/067/01656/20 – support as will be sited between similar height, approved applications, and still allows for the new lay-by/passing space that was included on the previously approved “appeal” application.  Ask that deliveries of plant and materials must be within the site, and not block the lane, and stormwater must be treated with an approved “SUDs” system.  The Council wondered what the narrow strip of land to the north eastern boundary was to be used for and requested that if it was the pathway to the field at the rear and was to be retained by the fields owner it should be maintained in a “tidy” manner.



  1. The Council noted that the following planning correspondence had been received:
    1. Planning Decisions:
      1. N/067/01139/20 – Wheelwrights Cottage, Manby Middlegate, Grimoldby, LN11 8ST – ELDC have given outline planning permission.
    2. Temporary Traffic Restriction:
      1. Organisation responsible for restriction:  Anglian Water
        Reason for restriction:  New Connection
        Location and nature of restriction:  Road Closure Order in place on: Eastfield Lane (Between 150m & 230m East of Tinkle Street)
        Period of restriction:  19/10/2020 to 21/10/2020 (Restrictions to be implemented as & when required during this period, signage detailing accurate dates & times will be displayed on site in advance).
      2. Organisation responsible for restriction:  LCC
        Reason for restriction:  Carriageway Reconstruction & Resurfacing
        Location and nature of restriction: Road Closure Order in place on: B1200 (Tinkle Street, Manby to A1031, Saltfleetby St Clement)
        Period of restriction:  3/11/2020 to 13/11/2020 (Restrictions to be implemented as & when required during this period, signage detailing accurate dates & times will be displayed on site in advance)
      3. Organisation responsible for restriction:  MLP Traffic Ltd
        Reason for restriction:  Gas Connection
        Location and nature of restriction: Road Closure Order in place on: Eastfield Lane (Between 220m & 320m East Of Tinkle Street)
        Period of restriction:  9/11/2020 to 13/11/2020 (Restrictions to be implemented as & when required during this period, signage detailing accurate dates & times will be displayed on site in advance)


  1. Green Proposal
    The Council considered proposals put forward by Cllr. Bruce and were of the opinion that he should become the Council’s Green Champion.  However, as he was absent from the meeting it was agreed that this would be deferred until a future meeting. 
  2. Youth Club Funding
    The Council discussed a proposal by Cllr. Oughton that it agree in principle to financially support the Youth Club and that the Finance Sub Committee, as part of the budget setting process, propose an appropriate level of financial support for review and agreement of the full Council.  Councillor TK reported that having spoken to the lady who was to run the Youth Club he had been informed that should she not be able to operate there were no fixed costs that she would be required to make and rent for the premises was a peppercorn arrangement at £1 per year.  Also, funding could be applied for from the Parish Council and from ELDC.  As there was no seconder for Cllr. Oughton’s proposal a vote was not taken. 
  3. Notice Boards
    Further to the noticeboard inventory circulated by email on 4th November 2019, the Council considered the 6 noticeboards it had, located as follows: opposite Church Lane, outside Manby PO, outside Grimoldby village hall, outside old PO (Grimoldby), outside The Square, at Middlegate Meadows.  The Council noted that the board located outside the old PO was of a different type to the other 5 and that of the other 5 only those outside the village hall, outside Manby PO and opposite Church Lane were intact, the others having been vandalised.  However, that opposite Church Lane was barely usable due to the wet conditions of the site and obscuring of the perspex front due to other users who had glued notices to the front.  The Council considered decommissioning the boards located outside the old PO and opposite Church Lane and purchasing and installation of new boards but it was RESOLVED that the matter be deferred while Cllr. Turney enquired of Coop whether a new noticeboard on their premises might be allowable and that the Clerk should bring back quotes.
  4. Dog Bins
    It was RESOLVED that the Council should contact ELDC and discuss the possibility of purchasing and installing two new dog bins on Lowry Farm footpath and one outside the Tennis Courts on Carlton Road, subject to agreement by ELDC.


  1. Football Club
    It was RESOLVED that the Football Club should not be charged rent for use of the football field and Pavilion until 2021/22.
  2. Carlton Road Playpark, Annual Inspection Report
    The Council noted the above, which had no urgent matters for attention.
  3. Annual Salary Review
    It was RESOLVED to approve the implementation of an annual salary increase for the Clerk.  This to be two salary points or 49p per hour, effective henceforth. 
  4. Any Other Business
    Councillors discussed items as follows:
    1. Possible date and time for a Finance Committee Meeting – Wednesday 4th November 2020 at 7pm.
    2. Cllr. MS requested that planning decision notices be circulated by email.

The meeting closed at 8.21pm

Signed_______________________ (Chairman)         Dated_________________________