Present                                          Councillor T. Knowles (TK) (in the chair)


Councillors: C. Fairburn (CF), Mrs. L. Knowles (LK), M. Starsmore (MS), N. Turney (NT), T. Vamplew (TV)


Councillors not present: M. Bruce (MB), Mrs. E. Billings (EB), Mrs. D. Copeland (DC)

The Clerk, Mrs. L.M. Phillips was also present.  No members of the public spoke in the public forum.

  1. Apologies for Absence
    Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. Mrs. EB, MB and Mrs. DC.
  2. Chairman’s Remarks
    The Chairman reported that the brickwork on the bus shelter had been repaired.  He also reminded Councillors that as always, the Council’s December meeting would commence at 7pm instead of 7.30pm. 
  3. Declaration of Interest / Dispensations
    There were no declarations of interest.
  4. Council Minutes
    It was RESOLVED to approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 20th October 2021.
  5. Committee Minutes
    1. The Council confirmed receipt of the minutes and adopted the resolutions contained therein of the Finance Committee Meeting held on 4th November 2020.
    2. The Council received for information the draft notes of the Finance Committee Meeting of 10th November 2021.
  6. Finance
    The Council received, noted and duly RESOLVED to authorise:
    1. The Financial Report for November, showing a closing balance on 11th October 2021 of £67,045.88 which agreed to the closing balance on the bank statement issued on 14th October 2021.
    2. Cheques for payment, listed on the Cheque Schedule 111721 totalling £564.04.
  7. Planning
    1. Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
      The Council considered current applications including those listed in the schedule (Plans_11_17_21) and RESOLVED as follows:
      1. N/067/02193/21 - G&M PC object to this application as it appears that it is not compliant with the conditions imposed under the Planning Appeal.  ELDCs Enforcement Division has already been requested to look into/enforce:
        1) that the general sites storm water drainage is being connected into a ditch directly with no SUDS drainage system as required.
        2) the Lay-By to be formed across the frontage of plots 2 and 3 as per the appeal and to be to a standard of design and materials, sufficient for Adoption by Lincolnshire County Councils Highways division. This was shown upon LDCs approved drawing LDC 1304-02D which also showed the Lay-by.
        This new application by Andrew Clover Planning and Design on their drawings 1221-01 and 1221- 02 has abandoned the Lay-By altogether with a shared access to Plot 2 connected directly onto Middlesykes Lane with no connection radii or visibility to traffic.  The Council is aware of continuing problems with this site:
        1) The lane being used as part of the site, transferring materials from delivery on Plot 1 to Plot 3, via an unregistered Dumper Truck.
        2) Delivery vehicles blocking access to traffic and pedestrians along Middlesykes Lane.
        3) Existing residents of Middlesykes Lane having the County Councils grass verges damaged by delivery vehicles.
        4) The applicants seem to have totally ignored the Planning Appeal decisions requirements and hope that this application will override all that has gone before.
        The Council ask ELDC to be sure to make notification to all neighbours at the sides and to the opposite side to ensure that their opinions can be obtained.  The application is for a garage, which is not controversial, but the plans do not show any Lay-By, and we do not want this to be ignored as a way of removing its requirement.
      2. N/067/02235/21 - Grimoldby and Manby Parish Council considered this application on 17th November 2021 and would comment that it is not as straight forward as it would suggest, as already seen with the next door re-application N/067/02193/21. The original appeal against Planning Permission was approved by the Planning Inspectorate reference N/067/02241/15 by Mrs. H. Craggs. This and application N/067/02193/21 appear to make alterations to the previously approved single storey approvals with larger two storey dwellings. These were shown on approved drawing LDC1304- 02D.  Drawings supplied by a new agent Andrew Clover, 10021-04 and 05 are incorrect both with the site plan boundary shown in red and with the omission of the Lay-By/ Passing Place, across the dwellings frontages.  The red line denoting site ownership shows it being up to the edge of the metalled road, Middlesykes Lane, which is totally incorrect. Lincolnshire Highways at LCC at Lincoln, always own road verges.  In the cases of these applications the new hedge lines have been shown and the storm water ditch that is required to be piped and back filled with materials and methods to meet LCCs requirements for adoption totally ignored.  The sites will need to have a sustainable drainage system installed for storm water generated on site with an approved, limited flow from the storage system into the piped dyke. This is not shown on the drawings.  We are also very concerned that the existing building owners around the sites have not been informed by ELDC of the application(s) in order to allow them to make any representations to ELDCs officer.  The Parish Council must therefore recommend REFUSAL of the application until it meets requirements previously approved under the terms of the planning appeal.  We have already sought ELDCs Enforcement division check that the approved works did not meet approved requirements.
    2. Planning Decisions to Note
      The Council noted the following planning decisions:
      1. N/113/01943/21 – 68 Carlton Park, LN11 8UG – full planning permission granted.
      2. N/113/01660/21 – Causeway Bridge Farm, 48 Church Lane, LN11 8HL – full permission granted.
    3. Road Closures
      The Council noted the following forthcoming temporary traffic restrictions:
        REASON FOR RESTRICTION:  Gas Connection (Cadent)
        LOCATION & NATURE OF RESTRICTION: Eastfield Lane (Between 185m & 325m East of Tinkle Street)
        PERIOD OF RESTRICTION:  13/12/2021 to 17/12/2021 (Restrictions to be implemented as & when required during this period, signage detailing accurate dates & times will be displayed on site in advance)
        REASON FOR RESTRICTION:  Sewer Connection 
        LOCATION & NATURE OF RESTRICTION: Northgate Lane (Between Tinkle Street and Middlesykes Lane)
        PERIOD OF RESTRICTION:  4/1/2022 to 6/1/2022 (Restrictions to be implemented as & when required during this period, signage detailing accurate dates & times will be displayed on site in advance)


  1. Precept Approval
    1. The Council receive a recommendation from the Finance Committee and RESOLVED to approve a precept request for 2022/23 of £24,802.83 a decrease of £277 which equates to an approximate change in cost per band d property of -1% or a decrease of 45p.  (Council to note these calculations are based on 21/22 tax base figures and should decrease further when current figures are released).
    2. The Council further. RESOLVED to delegate authority to the Clerk to complete the necessary forms and submit to ELDC, the Collection Authority.
  2. Village Maintenance
    The Council discussed its village maintenance requirements and RESOLVED to keep its previous schedule “as necessary” to point 12.
  3. Amenity Grasscutting
    The Council RESOLVED to renew its agreement with LCC regarding amenity grasscutting in 2022/23.
  4. Citizens Advice Lindsey
    The Council received a letter from the above requesting funds and RESOLVED to reply that the organisation should complete a grant application form for consideration.
  5. Louth Academy Admissions Policy Consultation
    The Council considered the above and RESOLVED to make no formal corporate comments.
  6. Local Transport Plan – Consultation
    Councillors noted that LCC are conducting the above which was circulated by email on 10th November, that the deadline for completion is 1st December and publicise this amongst their constituents.
  7. Meetings
    The Council noted that the Village Hall had requested that the Council change their meeting night to a Monday from January 2021 as they had a client who wished to use the hall every Wednesday night.  The Council RESOLVED to reply that unfortunately Monday’s were not convenient.
  8. Any Other Business
    Cllr. TV asked if any progress had been made with regard to a member of the publics complaint about a street light outside their house.  Cllr. TK confirmed that he would chase ELDC again.
  9. Next Meeting
    The Council noted that the date of the next scheduled meeting was Wednesday 15th December 2021.


The meeting closed at 8.05pm




Signed_______________________ (Chairman)         Dated_________________________