Present                                            Councillor T. Knowles (TK) (in the chair)


Councillors: Mrs. E. Billings (EB), M. Bruce (MB), Mrs. D. Copeland (DC), C. Fairburn (CF), Mrs. L. Knowles (LK), M. Starsmore (MS), Mrs. N. Turney (NT), T. Vamplew (TV)



Councillors not present: None.

The Clerk, Mrs. L.M. Phillips was also present.

No members of the public spoke in the public forum:

  1. Apologies for Absence
    There were no apologies for absence.
  2. Chairman’s Remarks
    The Chairman remarked that he had been informed by the owner of the local pub that it was due to re-open soon.  It has been let and thy are in the process of renovating it.  ELDC are not giving proper Covid updates, communication isn’t working very well.  Councillors are not being briefed properly.  He enquired as to whether the Council wished him to make tentative Christmas arrangements for a get together.  Councillors did not wish him to do this.  The Chairman thanked Cllr. TV for laying wreaths on Remembrance Sunday at the War Memorials located at the Village Hall and Church.  He reported that he and Cllr. Mrs. LK were in the process of downsizing.  He had been experiencing problems with his email, he urged other Councillors to telephone the Clerk if they were also experiencing problems.  Finally, he thanked the Clerk and Cllr. DC for their efforts with the Council’s finances. 
  3. Declarations of Interest
    Cllr. MB declared an interest in the second planning application on the schedule as an employee of the applicant. 
  4. Council Minutes
    Following a vote of the Council it was resolved to approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 21st October 2020.
  5. Finance
    Council received, noted and duly RESOLVED to authorise the following:
    1. The Financial Report for November, showing a closing balance on 14th October 2020 of £51,982.28 which agrees to the closing balance on the bank statement issued on 14th October 2020.  
    2. Cheques for payment, listed on the Cheque Schedule 111720 totalling £594.88. 
  6. Planning
    1. Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
      The Council considered current applications including those listed in the schedule (Plans_11_18_20) and resolved as follows:
      1. N/11/01933/20 – To take a neutral stance.
      2. N/067/02017/20 – To support.
    2. Planning Decisions
      The Council noted the following:
      1. N/113/02304/19 – Causeway Bridge Farm, 48 Church Lane, Manby – ELDC have granted Full Planning Permission.
      2. N/067/01517/20 – Danes Court, Tinkle Street, Grimoldby – ELDC have granted Full Planning Permission
  7. Precept Approval
    1. The Council received a recommendation from the Finance Committee and RESOLVED to approve a precept request for 2021/22 of £25,079.83 a decrease of £2,933.53 which equated to an approximate change in cost per band d property of -10.48% or £-4.89 (based on 20/21 tax base figures).
    2. The Council RESOLVED that the Clerk should complete the necessary forms and submit to ELDC, the Collection Authority.

  8. Green Proposal
    It was RESOLVED that Cllr. Bruce should become the Council’s green champion. 
  9. Any Other Business
    1. Cllr. MS requested that traffic on Middlesykes Lane should be on the next agenda and that the Council should  consider writing to LCC to ask for a formal review with Highways and perhaps Mr. Edwards of ELDC. 
    2. Cllr. NT reported that some illegal dumping had taken place just inside the gate of Beech Grove in the last few days.  Cllr. TK confirmed that he would try to find out what was happening.
    3. Cllr. CF reported that he and ELDC were in discussion about an area on his latest development which could be made into a playpark or a garden but that if it were to become a playpark the Parish Council might be asked to take ownership.  It was agreed that this would be placed on the next agenda for discussion.

The meeting closed at 8.04pm

Signed_______________________ (Chairman)         Dated_________________________