Present Councillor T. Knowles (TK) (in the chair)
Councillors: Mrs. E. Billings (EB), M. Bruce (MB), Mrs. D. Copeland (DC), Mrs. L. Knowles (LK), P. Oughton (PO), A. Solari (AS), M. Starsmore (MS), Mrs. N. Turney (NT), T. Vamplew (TV)
Councillors not present: C. Fairburn (CF)
The Clerk, Mrs. L.M. Phillips and four members of the public were also present.
Members of the public spoke in the public forum as follows:
- A gentleman informed the Council that the price of hiring the Village Hall had risen from £18 to £22 and therefore the figure discussed at budget setting might need adjustment. He also opined that the figures proposed for amenity grass cutting and allotments/pavilion/sports field were too high.
- Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. CF.
- Chairman’s Remarks
The Chairman reported that there had been a number of burglaries in the village recently and he was in touch with the police on the subject. He also confirmed that Manby Football Club were using the football field for training but were not playing matches on it yet. He informed that ELDC were working well with a local lady attempting to open a youth centre in ELDC’s gatehouse. He read out a letter of thanks to the Council from St. Edith’s Church for arranging the recent refurbishment of the War Memorial located in their churchyard and finally, he reported that ELDC and the people who own Beech Grove were meeting that week to discuss proposals.
- Declarations of Interest
The Clerk reported that she had received two requests for dispensations from Cllrs. Mrs. LK and TV who wished to take part in the discussion on agenda item 10a as they were trustees of the Village Hall, the beneficiary of funds from the Village News. It was RESOLVED to grant these.
- Council Minutes
Following a vote of the Council it was resolved to approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 16th October 2019.
- Presentation
The Chairman introduced Mr. Brown, Mr. Kavanagh and Mr. Black and invited them to give a presentation on their Community Interest Company. However, he cautioned that the Council would not be making a decision on it that evening but would discuss again in the future. The gentlemen explained that they wished to assist the residents of Grimoldby and Manby by selling each house an alarm which when activated would provide a local monitor with both video and sound of the area the alarm was covering. The local monitor could then provide a local presence on the scene. They explained that the company was a not for profit organisation and that the service could be provided for 17p per day with the alarm costing less than £20. They had adapted a model developed by them previously to eradicate metal theft and were confident that they could reduce crime by 57% over ten years. They hoped that they could enter into a kind of partnership with the Council who they hoped would consider supporting and promoting them and said that policies and procedures would need to be discussed.
- Finance
The Council received, noted and duly RESOLVED to authorise:- The Financial Report for November, showing a closing balance on 11th October 2019 of £35,365.94 which agreed to the closing balance on bank statement 24.
- Cheques for payment, listed on the Cheque Schedule 112019 totalling £2,296.24.
- Planning
- Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
The Council considered the application listed on the schedule Plans_11_20_19 and RESOLVED that the Clerk should attempt to acquire a copy of the letter referred to in the planning application and that Cllr. CF should be asked to confirm whether the residents of the new estate, who might be affected by this application, had been consulted and to delegate authority to the Planning Working Group to formulate comments for submission by the deadline on behalf of the Council. - Appeal Notifications
- The Council noted that the appeal by Annyalla Chicks UK Ltd re. Causeway Bridge Farm, 48 Church Lane, Manby has been withdrawn.
- Planning Decisions to Note
The Council noted the following planning decisions:- (12/19) – N/113/01568/19 – Land at Manby House, Carlton Road, LN11 8UF – ELDC have granted outline planning permission. G&MPC objected in September 2019.
- (13/19) – N/113/01748/19 – Green Meadows, 5 Church Lane, Manby, LN11 8HL – ELDC have granted full planning permission. G&M PC supported in October 2019 with reservations.
- Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
- Community Pub
Cllr. TK reported that progress was being made but not as fast as he would like. He confirmed that the steering group had plans to extend the pub to include a 50 seater restaurant and were looking to hold a public meeting in January to discuss shares. He read out a letter that the group had recently sent to Mr. Chapman, the owner, and confirmed that the steering group were to have a meeting with the Covenham group who had been trying to do something similar in their village. Finally, he reminded the Council that it had taken possession of grant monies from the District Council on behalf of the steering group and following production of an invoice from the Plunkett Foundation it was RESOLVED that the Council authorise the writing of a cheque for the Plunkett Foundation in the sum of £240.
- Grants
The Council considered grant applications and RESOLVED as follows:- The Village News – to award a grant in the sum of £200.
- St. Edith’s Church – that as much as the Council felt that the Church was a worthy cause it could not award a grant as, upon advice from NALC, it could not be sure that if it did so it would be acting legally.
- LCC Corporate Plan
Following circulation of the above by email on 5th November 2019 it was agreed that the Council would not make a corporate response.
- Village Maintenance
It was RESOLVED to approve a schedule of village maintenance as recommended by the Finance Committee.
- Precept Approval
- The Council discussed a recommendation from the Finance Committee, adjusted the amount required for hire of the village hall RESOLVED to approve a precept request for 2020/21 of £28,013.36.
- The Council RESOLVED to delegate authority to the Clerk to complete the necessary forms and submit to ELDC, the Collection Authority.
- Renewal of Parish Agreement with LCC re. Grasscutting
The Council RESOLVED to renew their Parish Agreement with LCC re. grasscutting.
- Any Other Business
- Cllr. PO noted that the speed camera was working again. He asked if data had been collected. The Clerk was not able to confirm whether Cllr. CF was collecting the data. However, it was established that the old Council laptop had the correct software downloaded. Cllr. PO enquired as to how long the Council would need to collect data before it could request a speed limit change. The Clerk reported that LCC had confirmed that they would not consider any requests for speed limit changes on the B1200 until all of the development along its length had been completed.
- Cllr. MB enquired if there was anything that the Council could do following recent flooding in the village. Cllr. TK confirmed that local organisations such as ELDC, The Drainage Board and The Environment Agency were working together to rectify the situation.
- Next Meeting
The Council noted that the date of the next scheduled meeting was Wednesday 18th December 2019 and the Council agreed that this meeting would commence at the earlier time of 7pm and close at 8pm with any unfinished business being adjourned to the meeting in January.
The meeting closed at 8.37pm
Signed_______________________ (Chairman) Dated_________________________