Present                                          Councillor T. Knowles (TK) (in the chair)


Councillors: Mrs. E. Billings (EB), Mrs. D. Copeland (DC), C. Fairburn (CF), Mrs. L. Knowles (LK), T. Vamplew (TV), N. Turney (NT)


Councillors not present: M. Bruce (MB) and M. Starsmore (MS),

The Clerk, Mrs. L.M. Phillips was also present.  No members of the public spoke in the public forum.

  1. Apologies for Absence
    Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. MS and MB.
  2. Chairman’s Remarks
    The Chairman remarked that previous District Councillor Trevor Carpenter for the Grimoldby Ward had sadly passed away.  The Council observed a minutes silence in remembrance.  Cllr. Knowles also reported that he had held a meeting with the local policeman PC R. Precious who was the Louth Rural manager but who was also managing Louth Town at the moment with on one PCSO.  He also reported that ELDC were holding a meeting that evening to look at taking another Council (South Holland District Council) into their strategic alliance.  Finally, Cllr. TK confirmed that he was hoping to join the Strategic Migration Board and was already ELDC’s representative on the Wash and North Norfolk Marine Partnership.  He had also held a meeting with the owner of the company who own Beech Grove and was hoping to help him move things along.
  3. Declaration of Interest / Dispensations
    There were no declarations of interest.
  4. Council Minutes
    It was RESOLVED to approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 5th May 2021.
  5. Annual Grimoldby and Manby Parish Meeting 2020/21 Draft Minutes
    The Council received the above, noting that no matters had been raised by members of the public for consideration.
  6. Roles of the Council
    This item was deferred to a future meeting.
  7. Finance
    The Council received, noted and duly RESOLVED to authorise:
    1. The Financial Report for June, showing a closing balance on 13th May 2021 of £60,538.75 which agreed to the closing balance on the bank statement issued on 14th May 2021.
    2. Cheques for payment, listed on the Cheque Schedule 063021 totalling £2,980.22.
    3. 2020/21 Accounts.
    4. 2020/21 Cashbook to 31st March 2021.
    5. Schedule of Payments over £100 for 2020/21.
  8. Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2020/21
    The Council RESOLVED as follows:
    1. To receive and note the report of the internal auditor.
    2. To approve completion of the Annual Governance Statement (Section 1 of the AGAR) for the financial year 2020/21 by the addition of ticks against ‘Yes’ in boxes 1 to 9, except for box 4 where ‘No’ should be entered and an explanation of this response provided and box 9 where ‘N/A’ should be entered and authorise signing by the Chairman and the Clerk. 
    3. To approve the Accounting Statements (Section 2 of the AGAR) for the financial year 2020/21 as certified by the RFO and authorise signing by the Chairman. 
    4. To approve the dates for public inspection these being 1st July 2021 to 11th August 2021.



  1. Planning
    1. Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
      The Council considered all current applications including those listed in the schedule (Plans_06_30_21) / ratified comments already made by the Planning Working Group and resolved as follows:
      1. N/113/00842/21 – Causeway Bridge Farm – Grimoldby and Manby Parish Council object to this application on the grounds that 1) the proposed limit on flow into the LMDB's maintained drain is too high. 2) There is no turning space within the site for the Fire Brigade's vehicle to turn. 3) The huge increase in vehicular traffic flow and 4) the disruption this will cause to local residents. 5) A site survey plan showing how and where their drainage connects into the open drainage ditches towards the eastern side has not been provided so how can it be ascertained whether this is legal or not.
      2. N/067/00276/21 – The Haven, Hawthorne Close - No comments made on this third amendment.  Council objected on all other previous occasions.
      3. N/067/01134/21 – Eastfield Farm, Eastfield Lane – No objections.
    2. Planning Decisions to Note
      1. Planning application N/067/00276/21 – The Haven, Hawthorne Close, LN11 8SR has been granted full planning permission by ELDC.
      2. Planning Permission N/067/00524/21 – Eastfield Farm, Eastfield Lane, LN11 8TD has been granted full planning permission by ELDC.
  2. Transfer of ELDC Assets
    The Council considered a report circulated by email on 17th June 2021 and RESOLVED to agree in principle to the transfer of ownership of the following ELDC assets subject to consideration of final terms:
    1. Children's Play Park - Carlton Road, Manby
    2. The Gatehouse - Carlton Road, Manby
    3. Tennis Courts - Carlton Road, Manby


  1. Review of Policies and Procedures
    The Council noted that the following had been reviewed and no changes are required it RESOLVED to approve continued use:
    1. General Data Protection
      1. Data Protection Policy
      2. Subject Access Requests Policy
      3. Social Media and Electronic Communication Policy
      4. Secure Disposal of Information Policy
      5. Retention of Documents Policy
      6. General Privacy Notice
      7. Staff and Councillor Privacy Notice
      8. Information Security Incident Policy
    2. Complaints Procedure
    3. Policy on Handling of Freedom of Information Requests
    4. Co-option Policy
  2. Playpark Inspection
    The Council noted that the annual playpark inspection would soon be due and RESOLVED to delegate authority to the Clerk to make the necessary arrangements / incur the necessary expenditure.
  3. Any Other Business
  4. Next Meeting
    The Council noted that the date of the next scheduled meeting was Wednesday 21st July 2021.



The meeting closed at 7.55pm




Signed_______________________ (Chairman)         Dated_________________________