Present                                          Councillor T. Knowles (TK) (in the chair)


Councillors: M. Bruce (MB), Mrs. D. Copeland (DC), C. Fairburn (CF), Mrs. L. Knowles (LK), T. Vamplew (TV)


Councillors not present: Mrs. E. Billings (EB), M. Starsmore (MS), N. Turney (NT),

The Clerk, Mrs. L.M. Phillips was also present.  No members of the public spoke in the public forum.

  1. Apologies for Absence
    Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. Mrs. EB, Mrs. NT and MS.
  2. Chairman’s Remarks
    The Chairman reported that 1) Cllr. MS was in hospital having had a kidney removed.  The operation had gone well and Cllr. TK had sent Cllr. MS the Council’s best wishes.  2) The proposed asset transfer of the Tennis Courts and Playpark looked like it would go through soon and ELDC would discuss again on 16th February.  Cllr. MB wished to know whether the Gatehouse would be transferred.  Cllr. TK informed him that at the present moment ELDC were not including it in the transfer but assured Cllr. MB that he would continue to try to persuade ELDC that it should be so that it remained within the community.  3) The Pavilion had developed a problem with the underfloor heating.  Plumbers had been called and they hoped to fix the problem asap.  4) A member of the public had been in touch to report that rubbish was being dumped near the Pavilion and football field and weeds were beginning to sprout in the area.  Mr. Towler had been asked to keep an eye on the weeds etc., and the Football Club had been asked to ensure that they pick any rubbish up and dispose of it appropriately.  5) A complaint had been received from Cllr. NT about traffic on Tinkle Street, as a result of the Platform Housing development.  Members were assured that tarmac would be laid in the turning area in the next week and this would mean vehicles would no longer park on the road.  6) Cllrs. were asked to think if there was any way they would like to see the Council commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
  3. Declaration of Interest / Dispensations
    There were no declarations of interest.
  4. Council Minutes
    It was RESOLVED to approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 17th November 2021.
  5. Finance
    To Council received, noted and duly RESOLVED to authorise:
    1. The Financial Report for December, showing a closing balance on 2nd November 2021 of £66,265.80 which agrees to the closing balance on the bank statement issued on 12th November 2021.  (Attached).
    2. Cheques for payment, listed on the Cheque Schedule 121521 totalling £1,363.93. (Attached).
    3. The Financial Report for January, showing a closing balance on 13th December 2021 of £62,603.56 which agrees to the closing balance on the bank statement issued on 14th December 2021.  (Attached).
    4. Cheques for payment, listed on the Cheque Schedule 011922 totalling £791.89. (Attached).
    5. Budget Variance Report to December 2020.  (Attached).
    6. 2021/22 Cashbook to 31st December 2021.  (Attached).
  6. Planning
    1. Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
      The Committee considered current applications including those listed in the schedule (Plans_01_19_22) and RESOLVED as follows:
      1. N/067/02509/21 – to object on the following grounds: Q.25 on the application form, regarding Ownership Certificates. What has happened to Mr. Anthony Buntings Claim for possible ownership, or a long standing Right of Access over the land to be used for the access road?  The access point for the proposed road does not show any radii at its junction with Tinkle Street. Furthermore the current high usage of vehicles parking on either side of this point causes interruptions to the lines of sight in either direction.
        From Q.8 on the application form, we note that the new road giving access to the proposed dwellings is not to be adopted, and it appears that there is a Right of Way.
        From Q.11 on the application form assessment of flood risk it states that the proposals will not Increase the Flood Risk elsewhere It also states that a soakaway would be sufficient for storm water drainage. This would be insufficient, the existing land has a historic Ridge and Furrow in place, and would need water storage system SUDS in place to limit the discharge into the piped dyke in Tinkle Street.
        As the land is ridge and furrow the Council believes that an archaeological survey should be undertaken on the site before any development is permitted.
        Q.13 on the form states that foul sewage would be connected into the Mans Sewer. Has it got sufficient size?
        Q.14 on the form states that no areas would be available to store waste, and no arrangements have been made for this. The access road proposed is too narrow for ELDCs Refuse Vehicle and there is no turning facility of sufficient size within the site.
      2. N/113/02498/21 – to remain neutral.
      3. N/113/02479/21 – to support.
    2. Planning Decisions Noted
      1. N/113/00842/21 – Causeway Bridge Farm, 48Church Lane LN11 8HL – full planning permission granted.
      2. N/113/01139/21 – 1 Vampire Road, LN11 8TX – full permission granted.
      3. N/113/02102/21 – Bilney House, Manby Park, LN11 8UT – listed building consent.
      4. N/067/02235/21 – Land adjacent Pennygate, Middlesykes Lane – full permission granted.
      5. N/067/02193/21 – Land at Middlesykes Lane, Grimoldby – full permission granted.
  7. Clerk’s Membership of SLCC
    The Council resolved to renew the Clerk’s membership of the above at a cost £112.
  8. Annual Playpark Inspection
    Further to circulation by email on 12th January the Council RESOLVED to receive and note the report from Wicksteed on the above.
  9. Grimoldby and Manby Aeroplane
    The Council noted that the Aeroplane had suffered some deterioration in its condition due to weather.  It had been inspected and was not deemed to be dangerous.  The gentleman who had repaired the plan previously had been asked for advice and had said that to provide an entirely new plane, finished and painted, which would involve having to make a mould the cost would be in the region of £3,500.  However, to glass over the whole existing plane the cost would be in the region of £1,800.  The Council discuss the options and agreed to seek quotes for glassing over the existing plane. 
  10. Any Other Business
    No information was exchanged.
  11. Next Meeting
    The Council noted that the date of the next scheduled meeting was Wednesday 16th February 2022.


The meeting closed at 8.11pm




Signed_______________________ (Chairman)         Dated_________________________