Present Councillor T. Knowles (TK) (in the chair)
Councillors: M. Bruce (MB), Mrs. D. Copeland (DC), C. Fairburn (CF), Mrs. L. Knowles (LK), P. Oughton (PO), A. Solari (AS), Mrs. N. Turney (NT), T. Vamplew (TV)
Councillors not present: Mrs. E. Billings (EB), M. Starsmore (MS)
The Clerk, Mrs. L.M. Phillips was also present.
Members of the public spoke in the public forum as follows:
- Apologies for Absence
No apologies for absence were received.
- Chairman’s Remarks
The Chairman reported that the steering group had distributed a questionnaire to residents and businesses of Grimoldby and Manby whose purpose was for the group to get a broad brush stroke feel for how residents felt about investing in the community pub project. He reported that the rate of replies had been extremely disappointing. £10,000 had been pledged so far but the process had not closed. The Chairman also reported that he had had a very positive meeting with the District Council at which he had discussed their departure to Horncastle and what would happen to Parish Council assets.
- Declarations of Interest
The Council received requests for dispensations from Cllr. MB (an employee of Platform Housing Group) and Cllr. AS (a resident of Danes Court) who asked that they be allowed to participate in the discussion on agenda item 7. Dispensations were granted.
Declarations of interest were also declared as follows:- Cllr. PO – planning applications N/067/02108/19 and N/067/02168/19 – as a neighbour.
- Cllr. TV – Pecuniary interest in planning application N/N/067/02108/19 – as the applicant.
- Council Minutes
Following a vote of the Council it was resolved to approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 15th January 2020.
- Finance
The Council received, noted and duly RESOLVED to authorise:- The Financial Report for January, showing a closing balance on 14th January 2020 of £32,002.30 which agreed to the closing balance on bank statement 27.
- Cheques for payment, listed on the Cheque Schedule 021920 totalling £1,158.58.
- Planning
- Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
The Council considered the application listed on the schedule Plans_02_19_20 and RESOLVED as follows:- (17/19) – N/067/02108/19 – support.
- (18/19) – N/067/02168/19 – pleased to note the amendments proposed in this plan but stand by their previous comments in relation to storm water drainage.
- (22/19) – N/113/02304/19 - Firstly, Grimoldby and Manby Parish Council Planning Working Group (G&M PC PWG) would like it to be noted that there was a mistake in its previous comments upon the new but re-application in so far as Lindsey Marsh Drainage Boards maximum attenuated discharge into their maintained dyke was 1.4 litres/second NOT 5 litres/second. Stated in their letter dated 11th September 2018. G&M PC PWG have now received a further Preliminary Ecological Appraisal by Craig Emms and Linda Barnett received on 6th February 2020, upon which it has the following comments: The report was carried out during this Winter period when species were dormant, so if any notice were to be taken by ELDC it should be again carried out in Spring/Summer time. The Councils previous reasons for refusing the application were stated in its report (above corrections to be made). These are reiterated, and no relevant response has been made to our queries.
- (2/20) – N/067/00083/20 – support.
- (3/20) – N/113/00101/20 – support.
- (4/20) – N/067/00102/20 – support.
- (5/20) – N/067/00108/20 – support.
- Appeal Notifications
There were no appeal notifications. - Planning Decisions to Note
The Council noted the following planning decisions:- N/067/02210/19 - Land at Eastfield Lane, Grimoldby – ELDC have given approval to remove or vary a condition regarding plan numbers.
- N/067/02168/19 – Plot 1 Land Adjacent to Southdown, Eastfield Lane, Grimoldby – ELDC have given approval of reserved matters.
- N/113/02351/19 – 43 Penrose Place, Manby, LN11 8DZ – ELDC have given full planning permission.
- Temporary Traffic Restrictions:
The Council noted the following traffic restriction details:
Reason for restriction: Essential works by Clancy Docwra/Anglian Water
Location and nature of restriction: Road closure order in place on Northgate Lane
Period of restriction: 16/3/2020 to 18/3/2020 (Restrictions to be implemented as & when required during this period, signage detailing accurate dates & times will be displayed on site in advance)
- Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
- Future of Danes Court, Grimoldby
Further to circulation of an email from Platform Housing Group on 27th January 2020 the Council received a presentation from Cllr. MB (an employee of Platform Housing Group). Cllr. MB explained that Danes Court had seen a decline in the take up of accommodation of its type in the past few years. Platform Housing Group had consulted with the residents and it had become apparent that the majority of residents wanted to stay in the properties. Therefore, the group were looking to redevelop the accommodation and were now drawing up designs and would consult with the residents again when these were ready. The group needed to maximise the use of the accommodation but the project had to be viable. Residents would be moved while the project took place and moved back, if they wanted, after the redevelopment. Current residents would have priority. Cllr. AS asked who would bear the cost of furnishing the new properties. He was assured that Platform would. Cllr. AS also opined that the biggest problem with letting of the accommodation was because it had not been maintained properly and therefore it did not look appealing.
- Proposed Work to Trees
The Council supported the following proposed work to trees:
Location: Woodlands, Carlton Road, Manby – Proposals: T17 Oak, T18 Oak T20 Horse Chestnut – Fell and treat stump. Reasons: To ensure the long term stability of the adjacent building, as per insurance report.
- Asset Register
The Council reviewed its Asset Register (as circulated by email on 9th February 2020) and RESOLVED to accept it as presented.
- Risk Management
The Council reviewed its Risk Management arrangements (as circulated by email on 9th February 2020) and RESOLVED to adopt it as presented.
- Standing Orders
Further to circulation by email on 12th February 2020 the Council reviewed its Standing Orders and RESOLVED to adopt them as presented.
- Proposed Avenue of Giant Redwood Trees
The Council considered an email circulated on 10th February 2020 regarding the above and RESOLVED that it did not wish to pursue the matter.
- Internal Auditor
It was RESOLVED To delegate authority to the Clerk to appoint a suitably qualified internal auditor for 2019/20.
- Closed Session Items
The Council RESOLVED to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the business to be discussed in the following item, information being of a confidential, commercial and third party nature in relation to:- Amenity Grass Cutting
The Council received quotes and RESOLVED to accept that presented by Glendale.
- Village Maintenance
The Council received quotes and RESOLVED to accept that submitted by Mr. K. Towler.
The Council RESOLVED to come out of closed session.
- Amenity Grass Cutting
- Any Other Business
- Cllr. LK reported that the Playpark and Tennis Courts were tidy and intact.
- Cllr. TV opined that the Council should ask its solicitor to provide full title details for the Pavilion.
- Next Meeting
The Council noted that the date of the next scheduled meeting was Wednesday 18th March 2020.
The meeting closed at 8.34pm
Signed_______________________ (Chairman) Dated_________________________