Present Councillor T. Knowles (TK) (in the chair)
Councillors: Mrs. D. Copeland (DC), C. Fairburn (CF), Mrs. L. Knowles (LK), P. Oughton (PO), T. Vamplew (TV)
Councillors not present: Mrs. E. Billings (EB), M. Bruce (MB), A. Solari (AS), M. Starsmore (MS), Mrs. N. Turney (NT),
The Clerk, Mrs. L.M. Phillips was also present.
Members of the public spoke in the public forum as follows:
- Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Mrs. EB, MB, AS, MS, Mrs. NT.
- Chairman’s Remarks
The Chairman reported that a bench mad from pallets had been placed near to the bus shelter on Tinkle Street but that as it was dangerous it would be removed. He also reported that the Bus Shelter near Bulldog Crescent was in poor repair but that Cllr. CF would fix it. Finally, the Chairman read out a letter that he had sent to ELDC in his capacity as a District Councillors which requested that they consult with the Parish Council over their proposed move to Horncastle and the distribution of local assets.
- Declarations of Interest
The Clerk reported that she had received two requests for dispensations from Cllrs. PO and TV who wished to take part in the discussion on agenda item 6a. Plans N/067/02210/19 and N/067/02108/19 respectively as Cllr. PO lived on the same lane and Cllr. TV was the applicant. It was RESOLVED to grant these.
- Council Minutes
Following a vote of the Council it was resolved to approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 20th November 2019.
- Finance
The Council received, noted and duly RESOLVED to authorise:- The Financial Report for December, showing a closing balance on 12th November 2019 of £34,961.96 which agreed to the closing balance on bank statement 25.
- Cheques for payment, listed on the Cheque Schedule 121819 totalling £1,278.54.
- Planning
- Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
The Council considered the application listed on the schedule Plans_12_18_19 and RESOLVED as follows:- (16/19) N/113/01281/19 – To arrange a meeting of the planning working group on 6th January 2020 at 6pm in the Pavilion and to delegate authority to the working group to submit comments on behalf of the Council.
- (17/10) N/067/02108/19 – To support.
- (18/19) N/067/02168/19 - To take a neutral stance but make the following observations: In the option of G&M PC the proposed use of "soakaways" for the surface water drainage will not suffice. Cells to receive rain water will be needed, 50mm rain/hour for 1 hour PLUS 30% extra space to accommodate climate change. The cells will need to discharge via an "attenuated" outlet, that is a maximum flow rate limited to suit the receiving water course. G&M PC wonder what water course will this discharge go into? Due to the previous existence of a pond on part of this site G&M PC are concerned about the possibility of winter flooding. G&M PC are also concerned that the radii of the new drive is too small, these should be 4m, but appear much less and are NOT dimensioned. Finally, G&M PC wonder if the two ash trees (one overhanging the site from Anglian Water's land and one on the sites border with Eastfield Lane and right next to or in the driveway, (one with a TPO)) will be preserved.
- N/067/02210/19 – To take a neutral stance with no observations.
- Appeal Notifications
There were no appeal notifications.
- Planning Decisions to Note
The Council noted the following planning decisions:- (14/19) N/105/01791/19 – 17 Chapel Lane, Manby – ELDC have granted Outline Planning Permission for the erection of 1 no. dwelling.
- (14/19) N/105/01791/19 – 17 Chapel Lane, Manby – ELDC have granted Outline Planning Permission for the erection of 1 no. dwelling.
- Applications received by the Local Planning Authority
- Renewal of Society of Local Council Clerk’s Membership
The Council resolved to renew the Clerk’s membership of the above at a cost £109.
- Village Sign
The Council noted that the Village Sign remedial work had very kindly been completed and the sign had been re-sited in its original location. The Council discussed making a gesture of thanks to Mr. Hennessey under their power to provide and maintain traffic signs and other notices (Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, s72) and RESOLVED to pay £20 towards a Christmas Dinner for Mr. Hennessey.
- (Public Path No. 218 Grimoldby) Diversion Order 2019
Councillors received details of the above and RESOLVED that it had no objections.
- Any Other Business
- Cllr. TK explained that progress by the Community Pub Steering Group was very positive. They were waiting for a formal reply to a letter that they had sent to Mr. Chapman. He also confirmed that progress with the gatehouse café had been delayed but he was hopeful that it would not be for long. Finally, he reported that the noticeboard outside the Post Office and the one outside the old Post Office required some remedial work.
- Cllr. CF confirmed that he had taken the speed sign in for charging. The Council discussed downloading the information collected by the speed sign and the Clerk agreed to give the Council’s laptop to Cllr. CF to facilitate the collection of the data.
- Next Meeting
The Council noted that the date of the next scheduled meeting was Wednesday 15th January 2019.
The meeting closed at 8.50pm
Signed_______________________ (Chairman) Dated_________________________