~ Annual Parish Meeting ~


Annual Meeting for the Residents of

Grimoldby and Manby


Wednesday 5th May 2021




By Telephone Conference




  1. Welcome from the Chairman, Cllr. T. Knowles
  2. Approve and sign the notes of the 2019 Grimoldby and Manby Parish Meeting
  3. Annual Report by the Chairman of the Parish Council
  4. Floor will be opened to the public
  5. Close meeting



To join the meeting:

At least 5 minutes before 7pm you should telephone 0330 606 0403 and follow the instructions given.

The access code is 4551356.

Upon joining please make yourself known to the Clerk.



Mrs. L. Phillips, Clerk to the Council, 9 Alexandra Road, Louth, LN11 0ND

Email: grimoldbyandmanbypc@outlook.com

Tel: 07887480834